Penelitian dan publikasi


  1. Pembuatan Sistem Minimum Mikrokontroler MCS-51 (2008), IT Telkom
  2. Integrated MCS-51 and AVR Microcontroller Minimum System (2008), IT Telkom
  3. Perancangan dan Implementasi Sistem e-Procurement di IT Telkom untuk menunjang Kegiatan Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa secara Elektronik (2009), IT Telkom
  4. Realisasi Optimasi Kendali PID dengan Algoritma Genetik pada pendulum terbalik (2009), DP2M DIKTI
  5. Model Guaranteed Cost pada sistem netral tak pasti dengan waktu tunda berubah terhadap waktu:  sistem kendali dan penyaringan (filtering) (2014 dan 2015), Hibah Penelitian Fundamental DIKTI
  6. Desain dan Implementasi Sistem Remote Sensing Payload Nanosatelit untuk Mewujudkan Kemandirian Satelit Perguruan Tinggi (2015), Hibah Penelitian PUSNAS DIKTI


  1.  Erwin Susanto; Kendali adaptif MRAC pada servo dc menggunakan estimator RLS dan optimasi genetik (2008); EECCiS 2008, Universitas Brawijaya Malang, 3-4 Juni 2008, pp. D34-D39; Link : Kendali adaptif MRAC pada servo dc menggunakan estimator RLS dan optimasi genetik
  2. Erwin Susanto; Kontrol PID untuk motor dc menggunakan PC (2008), EECCiS 2008, Universitas Brawijaya Malang, 3-4 Juni 2008, pp. D34-D39; Link: Kontrol PID untuk motor dc menggunakan PC
  3. Erwin Susanto; Fuzzy adaptif dengan algoritma propagasi balik untuk sistem kendali (2009) ; Seminar Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Aplikasinya, Politeknik Negeri Malang, 12 Maret 2009, pp. E28-E30; Link : Fuzzy Adaptif Dengan Algoritma Propagasi Balik Unuk Sistem Kendali
  4. An ILMI approach to guaranteed cost controllers with a full order observer (2010), ICMIC Okayama
  5.  Erwin Susanto, Mitsuaki Ishitobi, Sadaaki Kunimatsu; A minimal order observer-based guaranteed cost control for systems with uncertainty in the state matrix (2010); ICAST Kumamoto, Kumamoto University, 15-16 Desember 2010, pp. 215-216. IF= 0.1; Link :A minimal order observer-based guaranteed cost control for systems with uncertainty in the state matrix.
  6. Erwin Susanto, Daisuke Matsunaga, Mitsuaki Ishitobi, Sadaaki Kunimatsu; A minimal order observer-based guaranteed cost control for uncertain time-delay systems (2011); International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Information Technology SICE 2011, Tokyo, Japan, 13-18  September 2011, pp. 2255-2260; Link:  A minimal order observer-based guaranteed cost control for uncertain time-delay systems
  7. Erwin Susanto, Mitsuaki Ishitobi, Sadaaki Kunimatsu; An application of guaranteed cost control to a 3-DOF model helicopter (2012), 17th AROB, Beppu-Oita,  pp 271-274; Link : An application of guaranteed cost control to a 3-DOF model helicopter
  8.  Mitsuaki Ishitobi, Erwin Susanto, Sadaaki Kunimatsu; Guaranteed cost controller design for multirate systems (2012);  International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Information Technology SICE 2012, Akita, Japan, 20-23 August 2012, pp. 1603-1608 ; Link: Guaranteed cost controller design for multirate systems
  9. Erwin Susanto; Kendali guaranteed cost berbasis pengamat orde minimum pada sistem tak pasti waktu kontinyu (2013); Seminar Nasional SITIA 2013, ITS Surabaya, 16 Mei 2013, pp. 31-35; Link: Kendali guaranteed cost berbasis pengamat orde minimum pada sistem tak pasti waktu kontinyu
  10. Mitsuaki Ishitobi, Tatsuhiro Tamura, Erwin Susanto, Sadaaki Kunimatsu; An LMI approach to guaranteed cost filtering for uncertain neutral systems with time-varying delay (2013), International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS), Bali, 28-29 September 2013, pp.125-130; Link : An LMI approach to guaranteed cost filtering for uncertain neutral systems with time-varying delay
  11. Mitsuaki Ishitobi, Tatsuhiro Tamura, Erwin Susanto, Sadaaki Kunimatsu; An LMI approach to optimal guaranteed cost control of multirate sampling systems (2013), International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS), Bali, 28-29 September 2013, pp.125-130; Link : An LMI approach to optimal guaranteed cost control of multirate sampling systems
  12. Rizqa Afthoni, Achmad Rizal, Erwin Susanto; Proportional Derivative Control Based Robot Arm System Using Microsoft Kinect (2013); International Conference on ICT, Bandung, 28-30 May 2014, pp. 133-138. IF = 0.116; Link : Proportional Derivative Control Based Robot Arm System Using Microsoft Kinect
  13. Desain Kendali Umpan Balik Output pada sistem Neutral, TEKNOIN 2014, Yogyakarta
  14. Erwin Susanto, Junartho Halomoan, Mitsuaki Ishitobi; An LMI approach to output feedback controller of neutral systems;  The 7th – Electrical Power, Electronics, Communications, Controls, and Informatics International Seminar 2014; Link : An LMI approach to output feedback controller of neutral systems
  15. Desain Filter pada sistem netral waktu diskrit dengan metode guaranteed cost, SNIPS 2015, Bandung
  16. Guaranteed cost filter design for discrete time neutral systems, ICACOMIT 2015, Bandung
  17. DC Motor- Reaction Wheel Control Design Using Linear Quadratic Controller, ICET4SD 2015, Yogyakarta
  18. Model of Minimal Order Observer based Guaranteed Cost Control for Discretized Uncertain Neutral Systems, ICOMPAC 2015, Surabaya
  19. QoS Improvement with 802.11e EDCA Scheme Using Enhanced Adaptive Contention Window Algorithm, COMNETSAT 2015, Bandung
  20. Rizaldi Pahlevy, M. Ary Murti, Erwin Susanto;  “The Implementation of PID Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm on Networked Control System”.International Conference on Industrial Automation, Information and Communications Technology, Bali 28-30 August 2014; Link:  The Implementation of PID Using Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm on Networked Control System
  21. Fitriani Hamzah, Porman Pangaribuan, Erwin Susanto ;  “RFID-microcontroller based wireless medical record”.2014 2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT) took place 28-30 May 2014 in Bandung, Indonesia. IEEE catalog number: CFP14ICZ-DVD ISBN: 978-1-4799-3580-2.IF = 0.116; Link :15_RFID-Microcontroller based wireless
  22. Raditya Nugraha, Erwin Susanto, Unang Sunarya;  “Wireless Sensor Network for prototype of fire detection”. 2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT), Bandung, 28-30 May 2014, pp. 469-474.IF = 0.116; Link : 16_wireless sesnsor network
  23. Ratri Dwi Atmaja, Erwin Susanto, Junartho Halomoan, Muhammad Ary Murti; One Layer Object Separation Algorithm in Binary Image, TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control, Vol 17, No1: January 2016, ISSN 2302-4046,pp.215-220. IF = 0.211; Link : 24 One_Layer_Object_Separation_Algorithm_in_Binary_Im
  24. Tommy Hondianto, Erwin Susanto, Agung Surya Wibowo; Model Driven PID Controller in Water Heater System, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), Vol 6, No 4 : August 2016, ISSN 2088-8708,pp.1673-1680; Link : 25. Model Driven PID Controller in Water Heater System
  25. Prasetya Dwi Wibawa, Erwin Susanto, Favian Dewata; Maximum allowable time delay on network control system using guaranteed cost method, International Conference on Control, Electronics, Renewable Energy and Communication (ICCEREC) 2016,13-15 September 2016, pp91.95; Link : 26 Maximum Allowable Time Delay on Networked
  26. Sony Cahya Pratama, Erwin Susanto, Agung Surya Wibowo; Design and implementation of water level control using gain scheduling PID back calculation Integrator anti windup, International Conference on Control,, Electrinics, Renewable Energy and Communication (ICCEREC) 2016, 13-15 September 2016,pp. 101-104; Link : 27. Design and Implementation of Water Level Control

Jurnal Nasional

  1. Erwin Susanto, Rusdhianto Effendi, Ali Fatoni; Kontrol Prediktif pada Kendaraan dengan Sistem Kemudi Empat Roda menggunakan Filter Kalman (2006); Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Informasi, Vol 4 No 2, Agustus 2006, ISSN: 1693-6694, TERAKREDITASI SK Dirjen DIKTI No. 55/DIKTI/Kep/2005; Link : Kontrol Prediktif pada Kendaraan dengan Sistem Kemudi Empat Roda menggunakan Filter Kalman
  2. Dadin Mahmudin, Andri Setya Dharma, Erwin Susanto, dan Yuyu Wahyu; Perancangan dan Implementasi Pengontrol Arah Pancaran Radar Pengawas Pantai Terhadap Sudut Tertentu (2014). Jurnal Elektronika dan Telekomunikasi Vol 14 no 1, Juni 2014, pp. 29-35, ISSN:1411-8289; Link : Perancangan dan Implementasi Pengontrol Arah Pancaran Radar Pengawas Pantai Terhadap Sudut Tertentu
  3. Implementasi Robot Keseimbangan Beroda Dua Berbasis Mikrokontroler, Jurnal Teknik Energi Elektrik, Teknik Telekomunikasi & Teknik Elektronika ELKOMIKA Vol 3 No 2 Juli Desember 2015

Jurnal Internasional

  1. Erwin Susanto, Daisuke Matsunaga, Mitsuaki Ishitobi, Sadaaki Kunimatsu; A full order observer-based guaranteed cost controller for uncertain linear systems (2011); International Journal of Advanced Mechatronic Systems, 3(4),2011, pp243-250. IF= 0.212; Link: A Full Order Observer-based Guaranteed Cost
  2.  Erwin Susanto, Daisuke Matsunaga, Mitsuaki Ishitobi, Sadaaki Kunimatsu; A minimal order observer-based guaranteed cost control for uncertain time-varying delay systems (2012);  IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, 29(1), March 2012, pp.113-132. IF= 0.661; Link : A minimal order observer-based guaranteed cost control for uncertain time-varying delay systems
  3. Adi K Theopaga, Achmad Rizal, Erwin Susanto; Design and implementation of PID based baby incubator (2014); Journal of Theoretical and Aplied Information Technology, Vol 70 No 1, pp. 19-24, 2014. ISSN : 1992-8645. E-ISSN: 1817-3195. IF=0.171; Link : Design and implementation of PID based baby incubator
  4. Arton J Lubis, Erwin Susanto, Unang Sunarya; Implementation of Maximum Power Point Tracking on Photovoltaic Using Fuzzy Logic Algorithm (March 2015); TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control, Vol 13, No 1: March 2015, ISSN 1693-6930. IF = 0.211; Link : 21_implementation of maximum power point
  5. The Detection of Straight and Slant Wood Fiber through Slop Angle Fiber  Feature (May 2015), TELKOMNIKA Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering
  6. Erwin Susanto, Junartho Halomoan, Mitsuaki Ishitobi; Guaranteed Cost Control for Uncertain Neutral Systems with a Minimal Order Observer (June 2015); TELKOMNIKA vol.13, No .2 ISSN:1693-6930.IF = 0.211; Link : Guaranteed Cost Control for Uncertain Neutral Systems with a Minimal Order Observer
  7. Erwin Susanto; A DC Motor-Reaction Wheel Control Design Via Guaranteed Cost Ouput Feedback Controller of Uncertain Neutral Systems .ICIC International 2015 ISSN 1881-803X . Volume 9, Number 10 , Oktober 2015 pp. 1EL1502-031; Link : A DC Motor-Reaction Wheel Control Design Via Guaranteed Cost Ouput Feedback Controller of Uncertain Neutral Systems

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